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Why work with me at 7 Plus Tutor?

One of the world’s most influential philosophers once said: “Education does not change the world; it changes the people who will change the world.”

Nobody can deny that proper education is essential and required for advancement in just about every field imaginable. The children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow, and the exchange of knowledge and information with the goal of fostering the development of their intellectual, affective, and moral skills, is usually the best approach to cultivating the true leaders of the future.

As a tutor, I place a very high value on education, but I also understand that navigating the education system can be challenging for some parents. For example, during Year 2, (for Year 3 entry) students are typically required to take a mathematics and English exam and occasionally there is also a reasoning exam during the 7 Plus examination process. In London, where schools sometimes receive up to 10 applicants per place, competition for positions can be quite fierce.

Although this statistic may appear to be very high, it is important to keep in mind that some students typically apply to multiple schools at once. Knowing what to anticipate from the admissions process, is very important if you are thinking about enrolling your child in an independent prep school. When your child first enters elementary school, the thought of getting them ready for exams may initially seem quite far off, however, if you are moving your child from a state primary school to an independent prep school at the start of Key Stage 2, their first formal exam might already be approaching.

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How 7 Plus Tutor was created?

7 Plus Tutor was created out of a passion for working with children and wanting them to have the best chance of success through the tedious 7 Plus exams. Being a parent and having been through the process with both of my children, I understand and appreciate the importance of providing young minds with an early advantage in their academic endeavours.

I am very familiar and experienced with every aspect of the 7 Plus process, and my ultimate goal is to provide young students with the knowledge and understanding they need to succeed through individualised tutoring, and with an emphasis on mathematics. If you want to provide your child with the best chance to succeed in the 7 Plus exam, you may want to consider private tutoring, where I can help your child understand Mathematics better, by breaking down the challenging concepts of this subject.

I also work with parents to determine which schools are better suited for their children, and I guide them throughout the entire process.

Why use 7 Plus Tutor for your child?

7 Plus Tutor acts to support and enhance learning for all young students and my mission is to apply the right techniques through learning, and to assist both parents and their children in navigating the complex UK educational system, by offering individualised tutoring.

The fact that the 7 Plus exam is difficult, and provided that there is only a limited number of places available for hundreds of children, can sometimes be overwhelming. My goal is to help improve your child's performance on the 7 Plus exam, by providing them with the right guidance and instruction through creative and individualised one-on-one or online tuition.

7 Plus Tutor offers a safe, friendly and warm, DBS-checked environment for learning, which comes with a guarantee that every student will be provided with an opportunity to learn more about, understand, and perfect the techniques that are required to take part in the 7 Plus exam with confidence. This is because 7 Plus Tutor prioritises one-on-one tuition in 7 Plus preparation - rather than group instruction - and offers the services of a highly competent and experienced tutor in sessions of up to two hours each.

I always strive to set a child up for success by offering the best possible instruction, advice on the best materials to use, and recommendations for the best schools, whether through in-person sessions or online tutoring. If you are interested and looking for the best solution to help your child, you can contact me today for a free chat, and we can work together, and see how I can help your child get a place at their first-choice school.

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If you want to contact me, the best way is to contact me via the website. My name is Adam McDonald and my email is listed on the left hand side. Alternatively, you can complete the fields below and I will try to come back to you as soon as possible. Please do allow up to 48 hours for a response but normally I do try to respond faster.